Associations Should Maintain Marketing Efforts During a Recession

Associations Should Maintain Marketing Efforts During a Recession

While associations face cutbacks during a recession, it is not the time to cut marketing programs and can be the best time to promote membership, according to Erik Schonher, vice president of Marketing General, Inc. (MGI). Professionals in many industries faced with uncertain job security look to the benefits of their association membership, including networking and enhancing individual skills and certifications, to excel in their careers, he added.

A recent MGI report emphasizes the need for association executives to employ innovative tools and practices for successful recession marketing, among them:

  • creating membership "evangelists" and advocates within the association
  • personalizing the membership experience through individual contact
  • offering free hotel rooms to encourage conference attendance
  • increasing e-marketing and online registration as cost-saving alternatives to direct mail and paper
  • introducing flexibility in dues structure and payment schedules for members