From Board Table to Action Plan

By Robert C. Harris, CAE

Most actions fail to be implemented after an association board meeting. How could this be when a consensus has been reached, assignments are made, and commitments are documented in the minutes?

Everyone has good intentions. But the pressures of priorities, interests and a real job often moves volunteer efforts to the back burner and, sometimes, even off the stove.

Phases of the Board Meeting
Board meetings have three phases. A planning phase crafts an agenda, gives notice, and prepares reports. The second phase is the meeting itself, requiring a significant investment of time and energy by officers, directors and staff.

The final phase begins upon adjournment. Enthusiasm alone will get the tasks done. Use these techniques in keep actions on track:

Meeting Closure: As the meeting ends, review the actions that have been agreed upon so that volunteers realize deadlines and next steps. Reinforce the importance of what was discussed and everyone’s expectations.

Minutes: Draft the minutes promptly. The quicker the minutes are distributed the greater likelihood that leaders will use them as reminders of their commitments.

Board Portal: Post documents to a shared portal or use Dropbox so volunteers can review deadlines and progress.

Staff Awareness: Meet with the staff soon after the meeting; inform them of the discussions and outcomes to reduce anxiety they may have if they didn’t get to attend.

If the board approved or amended organizational policies, be sure they are updated and archived in a compendium for future reference.

Action Plan: Create an action plan based on commitments, conversations and the minutes. While the minutes document the actions of the board, the action plan identifies deadlines and accountability. Colin Rorrie, PhD, CAE, of CCR & Associates recommends an Action Tracking Matrix to involve committees and staff following the meeting, providing this example.

Board Meeting ATM - Action Tracking Matrix

Alignment: Contrast board actions with the budget and strategic plan; make adjustments as needed.

Reminders: With busy workloads not everything can be completed immediately. Set reminders using a manual calendar or online resource such as

Committees: Much of the board actions will rely on committee work. Communicate the board’s directives to committee chairs.

Dashboards: Report progress by using dashboards and graphics to visually depict progress and performance.

One Voice: Leaders will be asked, "What happened at the board meeting?" Consider distributing an executive summary so directors deliver consistent messages about discussions.

Make your own checklist of what must occur after the meeting. There is little value to board meetings if actions do not produce outcomes.

Robert C. Harris, CAE, is an association management consultant. He can be reached at 335 Beard St., Tallahassee, FL 32303, through his website at, or at