Outstanding Committee Chairperson Award Goes to Kathleen Brown

The 2012 Outstanding Committee Chairperson Award was presented to Kathleen Brown, MPA, CAE, director of research, Lymphoma Research Foundation, and chair of NYSAE’s Education Committee. This award was recognizes the achievements of Kathleen and the Education Committee in developing and/or executing programs and projects that promote the purposes of NYSAE and that benefit members. Since 1991, Kathleen Brown has been extremely active in NYSAE. As chair of the Education Committee, she led the group into producing five stellar Institutes in addition to four Career Development Workshops. Under her leadership, the Education Committee this year appealed to the spectrum of NYSAE members and will be developing the webinar concept through the SAE web education partnership with more than 20 societies of association executives throughout the country. The attendance at this year’s educational programs has seen a substantial increase, thanks to Kathy and the Education Committee. NYSAE needs to continue to add value to the members and remain relevant and responsive in these changing times when members and others may have less time and money to spend on education may expect more creative formats and contemporary formats such as webinars. “As chair, Kathy has accomplished this. Kathy does nothing by half measures and only gives us her best,” said Mimi Eckert, CAE, chair of NYSAE’s Awards Committee.