Book Beat

The Discussion Book

Marketing Communications: Offline and Online Integration, Engagement and Analytics (©2016, Kogan Page), by PR Smith and Ze Zook, provides a comprehensive overview of every aspect of marketing communications, from social media, advertising, public relations and sponsorship to direct selling and merchandizing. It presents modern marketing communications theories and tools in an accessible way so readers can fully understand the landscape and achieve better results. With examples and case studies, as well as online support material for lecturers and students, this guide takes you through: branding; customer relationships management; buyer behavior; communications theory; marketing communications research; media buying and planning; marketing communication plans; and specific communication tools, such as advertising, publicity, sponsorship, direct mail, exhibitions and events, packaging, and online and social media.

Freedom to Change: Four Strategies to Put Your Inner Drive into Overdrive

Advancing Innovation: Galvanizing, Enabling & Measuring for Innovation Value! (©2015, Institute of Management Accountants), by Patrick Stroh is a how-to guide for fostering innovation in your association. The book explains the significance and undeniable need for a yin and yang relationship referred to as "innovation governance." The book outlines practical execution steps, downloadable forms, innovation insights, and introduces Innovation Value Score® (IVS), a proprietary measurement system to calculate, compare, and improve innovation value creation. Every organization needs a set of questions and a repeatable method for considering innovations. It's the answers to these questions that will determine which ideas drive innovation impact faster and which ones are just noise. Whether you're creating or evaluating the innovation ideas or projects, the author says it's important to start with the following three overarching queries:

  • Is the idea or project core to your value proposition?
  • Is it either big or leverageable?
  • Will it take priority?

These three questions can help you determine which ideas are worth pursuing and which ones just sound interesting. Still, you need to go deeper into each one if you're seeking to truly create value in your association. Here are some questions to guide that deeper dive as you decide whether something is an important innovation, or just lipstick on a pig.

Is the idea or project core to your value proposition?

  • If it isn't core to your value proposition, why would you want to spend resources on it?
  • Are you innovating just to say you are trying something new?
  • Is there a market and customers for this? (It can be a new market, of course, but define it.)
  • Would you be willing to add or divert existing, core organizational dollars to promote this new product/service?
  • How will you launch and service this offering with existing and new members?

Is it either big or leverageable?

  • Is this a big opportunity in market size?
  • Is this a key area or opportunity for your industry or profession?
  • Is this a highly leveraged initiative that has cumulative impacts across your value proposition?
  • Do you have suppliers or partners that could do this for us already?
  • What is the impact if you don't do this?

Will it take priority?

  • Would you stop other priorities that you are currently working on to take on this initiative?
  • What would your board of directors or members say if they knew this was moving to the top of the priority list?
  • Considering your current operating plan, can you execute on this new initiative?
  • Will this initiative survive the resource and implementation gauntlets in your organization?
Strategic Analytics: Advancing Execution and Organizational Effectiveness

Far more than making monetary donations, philanthropy today encompasses giving time and knowledge, resources that can be just as valuable as financial contributions. Whether you’re a new philanthropist, a member of a charity’s Board of Directors, or just getting started as a volunteer, Successful Philanthropy (©2016, Hatherleigh Press), by Jean Shafiroff, offers practical guidance to take part in building a better world. The book provides details on all aspects of philanthropy, including what most boards look for in a candidate and, for those who are thinking of starting a charity, specific information on what anyone ought to know before venturing in that direction. Though philanthropy is a big word, it can be practiced in small ways anywhere, and anyone can become a part of building lasting change. Successful Philanthropy discusses the importance of teaching the next generation the value of giving in schools and at home to improve our community, our country, and our world.

In The Leadership Capital Index: Realizing the Market Value of Leadership

While some people embrace the “R” word, others are uncomfortable with it. Regardless, we are all are interested in how it will impact us. THE RETIREMENT BOOM: An All Inclusive Guide to Money, Life, and Health in Your Next Chapter (©2015, Career Press), by Catherine Allen, Nancy Bearg, Rita Foley, and Jaye Smith, includes tips, tricks, and techniques, as well as great stories compiled from more than 300 interviews. The book addresses:

  • Understanding what’s changing in the workplace and the workforce today;
  • Planning and designing your reinvention;
  • Making your money last;
  • Reinventing into new work;
  • Occupying your time;
  • Navigating retirement robbers and other challenges;
  • Renegotiating life at home;
  • Improving and keeping your health;
  • Building and leaving a legacy; and
  • Simplifying your life and living a life of passion.