About Us


NYSAE At a Glance

Founded in 1919, the New York Society of Association Executives' mission is to lead in advancing and serving the profession of association and not-for-profit management.

NYSAE exists to empower association professionals at every career stage to reach their full potential and navigate the ever-changing landscape of association management.

NYSAE is the "association of associations," serving Metro New York and its surrounding areas in Connecticut and New Jersey. It’s members are full-time chief executives, middle managers and young professionals serving trade associations, professional societies, voluntary organizations, other not-for-profit organizations, and supplier firms.


The Size of the New York Association Community Tells the Story

130,000 Employees Strong

The New York association community alone employs over 130,000 people.

$5.2 Billion

NYSAE members from associations headquartered in the New York Region control over $5.2 billion a year in meetings and conventions spending as follows:


Meetings held nationally

$3.1 billion

Meetings held in New York State

$1.2 billion

Meetings held internationally

$.9 billion


$1.9 Billion

Additionally, the internal combined annual spending of the associations in New York State is estimated as follows:



$93 million 

Printing & Publishing

$100 million 

Staff Travel

$51 million

Legal Fees

$31 million

Insurance Premiums

$33 million

Accounting, Auditing

$14 million

Rent and Office Management

$1.6 billion

Contact Information

New York Society of Association Executives
National Press Building
529 14th Street, #1280
Washington, DC 20045
Phone: 212-297-2197
Email: info@nysaenet.org

CAE Registered Provider

CAE Registered Provider
NYSAE is a CAE Registered Provider. The programs in the catalog meet the requirements for fulfilling the professional development requirements to earn or maintain the Certified Association Executive credential. Click here for more information.